The Impact of Supply Chains, Personnel, and Economics on Franchise Networks

Supply chain professionals have been confronted with, and have had to deal with, unprecedented upheaval over the past few years.

Un message du nouveau Vice-président du conseil d’administration de CMC-Canada, Michael Ennis, CMC

En tant que CMC, nous jouons un rôle essentiel en aidant les entreprises et les organisations à naviguer dans le paysage complexe du monde des affaires d'aujourd'hui.

A Message from the New CMC-Canada National Board Vice-Chair, Michael Ennis, CMC

As CMCs, we play a critical role in helping businesses and organizations navigate the complex landscape of today's business world.

A Message from the New CMC-Canada National Board Chair, Sophie Lemieux, C. Adm., C.M.C.

It’s my pleasure to address CMC-Canada members for the first time as your new National Board Chair.

Un message de la nouvelle Présidente du conseil d’administration de CMC-Canada, Sophie Lemieux, Adm.A., C.M.C.

J'ai le plaisir de m'adresser aux membres de CMC-Canada pour la première fois en tant que nouvelle présidente du conseil d'administration.

CMC-Canada's Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail – April 18, 2023

Donna Ringrose addresses the important role management consultants play in the Public Sector and the proposed cuts to consulting in the 2023 Federal Budget.

Women in Consulting: Progress Made, Plenty of Work Left to Do

This post is part of an ongoing series on Women in Consulting; make sure to check our blog regularly for more great content!

CMC-Ontario announces completion of its first no-charge management consulting engagement performed under its new Pro Bono Program

CMC-Ontario is pleased to announce the completion of its first no-charge management consulting engagement performed under its new Pro Bono Program.

Ottawa Citizen Published Editorial: Consultants Offer Genuine Services

This editorial appears in the Ottawa Citizen, and sister publications on February 11, 2023

CMC-Canada Response: Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates

We believe the questions raised by Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates may undermine the public’s confidence in consultants...